In recent years, from a global perspective, the waste generation is increasing. In 2016, cities worldwide generated 2.01 billion tons of solid waste, equivalent to a carbon footprint of 0.74 kg per person per day. With rapid growth in population and urbanization, annual global waste production is expected to increase by 70% from 2016 to 3.4 billion tons by 2050. Compared to developed countries, residents of developing countries, especially the urban poor in developing countries, have a more serious solid waste impact due to backwardness in management and other aspects.

In low-income countries, more than 90% of solid waste is disposed of in unregulated dumps or publicly burned. This poses a serious health, safety and environmental threat to local populations. It is also a major breeding ground for disease vectors, and the methane gas produced by incineration contributes to global climate change, with a range of negative social environmental impacts. Scientific and appropriate waste management is critical to global sustainability and urban livability, and according to relevant estimates, effective waste management typically accounts for 20-50% of local municipal budgets. This is a considerable financial pressure for many developing countries and cities.

The World Bank has invested in a range of projects and financing in the solid waste management area in recent years. This includes traditional loans, basic results-based financing, development policy financing, and technical advice. World Bank-funded waste management projects involves the entire cycle of solid waste – from generation to collection, transportation, and finally, treatment and disposal management. The main focus is on the following areas:

1.Infrastructure: The World Bank provides capital investments to build or upgrade waste separation and treatment facilities, close outdated dumps, build or renovate landfills, and provide bins, trucks, and transfer stations.

2.Provide legal advice and services: Advice and services on policy measures and coordinating bodies in the municipal solid waste management area.

3.Financial sustainability: Help local governments control waste costs and investment recovery by designing tax and fee structures and long-term development plans.

4.Citizen Participation: Universal participation and universal behavior change are key to effective waste disposal systems. The World Bank supports the design of incentive mechanisms to stimulate waste reduction, resource separation and reuse.

5.Social inclusion: Most developing countries rely heavily on informal workers (waste pickers) for resource recovery, who collect, sort, and recycle 15-20% of the waste generated. The project addresses the livelihoods of waste pickers through strategies such as integration into the formal system, provision of safe working conditions, basic social security, restrictions on child labor, and education.

6.Climate change and environment: Projects promote environmentally friendly waste treatment. Greenhouse gas emission reductions are supported by reducing food losses and waste, diverting organic waste, and employing treatment and disposal technologies that capture methane and landfill gas. Waste management projects also support resilience by reducing waste disposal in waterways, addressing waste management issues, and protecting infrastructure from flooding.

7.Health and safety: The World Bank’s work in urban waste management improves public health and livelihoods by reducing open incineration, mitigating the spread of pests and vectors, and preventing crime and violence.

8.Knowledge creation: Through technology transfer, data and analysis, the World Bank helps governments plan and explore locally appropriate solutions.

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